Devotional Tantra Massage

Devotional Tantra Massage for Men in Devon

Would you like to relax, quieten your mind, and open your body to pleasure?

Would you like to experience the relief of not needing to initiate, reciprocate or check your performance, and actually not needing to ‘do’ anything?

This session is all about YOU and about you receiving.

I know that for some men this might feel slightly awkward or unusual due to habits of mutual touch.  Such feelings are normal and are welcomed.

Men come to these sessions for many reasons:


❤️ Feeling overworked and stressed, needing time to relax, to let go of thinking about the concerns of the day

❤️ Looking for something beyond the mundanity of everyday life

❤️ Curious about Tantra, sensual or erotic massage

❤️ Experiencing a lack of ‘receiving touch’ in life, and wanting the nourishment and care that this provides

❤️ Because it sounds more interesting than a sports massage – and it is!

❤️ Wanting more pleasure in their life, that includes their sexuality, and receiving this from a professionally trained practitioner

❤️ They enjoy being naked and want to receive massage undraped, without all the usual towel management of typical massage sessions

❤️ They want to be able to relax and not have to worry about whether they get (or don’t get) an erection

Man Relaxing

Perhaps Sex has become a taboo topic in your household?

Maybe you were serving in the military and feel that you have lost your identity…or…?

  • You have personal hangups that get in the way of sexual enjoyment or speaking up
  • You don’t rate yourself in a sexual way
  • You have problems getting or keeping an erection
  • You ejaculate too soon or not at all, despite all the things that you try
  • Pornography is failing to meet the mark or just doesn’t feel right
  • You want to remove the chains and be done with conforming
  • You want to be OK in your true naked self, both in body and in word
  • You don’t talk about your sexual problems or body issues even with your closest friends
  • You want to get a reset and regain your confidence
  • You  feel neglected in so many ways and want to be touched, or feel loved, appreciated and celebrated again…or for the first time
  • You haven’t had sex in years even though you are in a relationship

Then this is for you… 🙏

I welcome men of all ages, backgrounds, sexual orientation, shapes, and sizes to my sessions.

Welcome to your new life!

Enjoy Being Honoured with Loving Sensual Touch

Receive loving sensual touch which is deeply honouring and healing, where the genitals can also be included for a full body experience, if desired. Know that this is entirely at your choice and your personal wishes are welcomed, respected and honoured. You may also choose to keep your underwear on if this feels more comfortable or appropriate for you.

Arousal is welcomed as a normal response to sensual pleasure in life, not something to be denied or shut down. So, with erection or without erection, all of you is welcome here. See FAQ page for more details.

Sensual touch massage for a man

We know that stress and trauma is held in the body and blocks our ability to experience pleasure.

This devotional Tantra massage session is about letting go of those blocks, opening to deep relaxation and to whole-body pleasure, taking you to another world and another dimension in this haven beyond daily life.

Co-creating Your Own Massage Experience

Working with an integrated approach of bodywork, energy work, breath-work, somatic experiencing, sound, words and eye contact can lead to a deeper intimacy with yourself, your body-mind and your heart, increase your vitality and deepen your connection to a sense of embodied presence.

My wide range of skills and experience enable me to bring different qualities to the massage depending on your purpose or intention for the session. This allows you to explore a range of experiences in a safely held and guided space. You are welcome to discuss your desires and intentions with me prior to making a booking.

During the Tantra massage you are always at choice, and I work carefully with consent and boundaries.

One of my intentions is to support you to have the experiences you want, both on the massage table and in life. I deeply value when people tell me during a session about what they do or do not like and I will encourage you to explore this.

Although our sessions are much about relaxation and letting go, I will encourage you to be as engaged as possible as this can bring full aliveness to your body.

I may speak to you during the session, encouraging breath and guiding you to check in with your mind and your body sensations. I find that this can support a more integrated body-mind experience with long-lasting benefits that can assist way beyond the massage couch.

Full body massage

Is Devotional Tantra Massage Right For Me?

If you are still wondering whether the massage is right for you, check out the page…  ‘Is Devotional Tantra Massage Right For You?’

If you would like to read what some of my previous clients have said about Devotional Tantra Massage have a look at ‘What People Say’

Practicalities and Pricing

This session is not a happy ending service and is for those interested in personal growth. Touch is one-way and experiencing the session is not an alternative to addressing intimacy issues in any relationship that you are in.

The Tantric space is a sanctuary, quiet, private and set apart from the everyday world. Massage sessions are held near Totnes, South Devon, in a warm, cosy and safe space with free parking available nearby.

The Deluxe Three-hour Devotional Tantra Massage

The investment for a Deluxe Devotional Tantra Massage experience is £350 and this is a 3 hour session. This is available to everyone who is committed to going on a journey into themselves for healing, pleasure and transformation.

This session includes a meet and greet chat, and a combination of some of the following: getting into the heart and body meditation, energy and breathwork practices, a blessing ritual and extensive bodywork over the whole body. In the deluxe session a longer period of time is devoted to more intimate erotic massage. Book this session if you are curious about lingam or yoni massage and the deeper mysteries and empowerment that Tantra massage can offer.

Introductory Two-hour Session

This session is exactly that, an introduction. This means it is for those who are new to Tantra or Tantric massage want a feel for the work but are unsure. I offer a 2 hour beginner’s Tantra massage session at a cost of £235. If you want to discuss a 2 hour session for other reasons please contact me to discuss.

This session includes a gentle conversation to set you at ease, practices to connecting with the heart and sex and get clear on why you are here, an honouring ritual and sensual body work. It does not include lingam massage.


Summer has arrived at last…and what could be better than an exquisite Devotional Tantra massage to help you slow down, nourish your body, mind and spirit and reconnect with your true essence so that you can make the most of this special summer time magic.

AND…if you are completely new to my work your first session will attract an incredible 15% discount if you make a booking any time during July or August and receive the massage session at any time up to the end of October. Further discounted sessions are offered to those who book a series of 4 after an initial booking.

Weekend sessions have also been added for those of you who can’t get off work in the week. You will need to book ahead though as they are proving to be popular!

What’s not to love!

So a 3-hour full session is only £300 and a

2-hour introductory session would be just £200*

(Booking during July and August

for sessions taken up to the end of October)

* Please note that the 2 hour offering is an introductory ‘taster session’ only for people who are new to Tantra or Tantric massage. It is not a cheaper way to get a full Tantric experience as  we would not have sufficient time to provide this within a 2 hour session. If you are looking for a lingam or yoni massage you must book the 3 hour session, regardless of any prior experience of Tantra Massage.

These times allow for introduction, discussing practicalities, setting intentions and clarifying boundaries. I also allow time for integration after the massage and space for sharing if desired. For a two-hour session you can expect about 90 minutes receiving the massage itself, depending on your intention and what you bring to the session. A minimum of a three hours is recommended as ideal for a first session.

If you are interested in experiencing or learning more about Tantra, I suggest that you try one session and then, if you wish, we can discuss booking a series of sessions where there is an opportunity to deepen into the experience and process.

* Once a month I offer a low cost session for someone who is enthusiastic about the work, but would otherwise be financially unable to afford the Devotional Tantra massage session. Please contact me by email if this applies to you. I also offer special rates for ongoing work with me as well as the possibility to set up online talking sessions to explore or address specific issues you may have in relation to Tantra or other sexual matters.

Book a Free 20 Minute Introductory Phone Call...


It’s really important, when choosing someone to work with in the area of sacred sexuality, coaching or bodywork, to find a practitioner that’s a really good fit for you, so you can fully relax into the process, knowing that you will be safe in your true and authentic self and able to express the parts of you that are wanting to be explored.

If we’ve not met before, or even if we have, I invite you to schedule a free 20 minute consultancy call with me to discuss your personal circumstances and feel into whether we are a good fit to work together. If you want more information about me first then click here…

Beating Heart

I strongly recommend that before booking your call you read the FAQ Page and “Is It Right For You?”  page.

To select a date and schedule a free 20 minute phone call with me just fill in the booking form via the button below. You will need to include your name, email address and phone number and add any particular requirements or questions in the notes section. 

When Was the Last Time?

If the booking is accepted you should receive an email confirming your booking date and time. Please call me on 07809 488993 at the agreed time.

Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

* If you can’t make any of the times shown then contact me by WhatsApp or email at the address shown at the bottom of this page.


Booking and Cancellation

Please contact Harmony to arrange an initial consultation using the button above or you can book a repeat session either by email at or via WhatsApp using the green button (below right).

I aim to get back to you within 48 hours of your email, or within 72 hours over a weekend.

Please note that we ask for a 50% deposit on booking, with the balance to be paid by bank transfer on the day of the session. (If this payment method doesn’t work for you then let me know so we can discuss alternatives.) If a cancellation is made more than 48 hours before the start of the session, there is an option for a refund or to rebook.

If a cancellation is made within 48 hours of the session time, 25% of the full fee is charged, and within 24 hours 50% is charged.

If the session is cancelled on the day of the booking the full fee is payable. If you have a genuine emergency, please do let us know and let’s have a conversation.

See here for further information about Terms & Conditions, Privacy and Cancellation Policies.

Would you like to go even deeper? ...and learn more about Tantra?

Devotional Tantra Experience Days

Immerse yourself in the art of intimacy and devotion for a whole day. Take away both the embodied experience and the practices you will learn.

Dedicate a day to your own sensual and sexual learning, awakening and pleasure.

In the morning you will be guided in practices to use breath, sound, movement, imagination and presence to activate your sexual energy.

In the afternoon you will be initiated through ritual into Devotional Tantra Massage where you get to bring these alive states of being into the session.

Feel more open, alive, present and connected to your heart and your sexuality.

For people who want more, and to learn how to understand, honour and cultivate their sexual energy, while exploring how to take Tantra into their daily lives.

Sessions take place in Totnes which is a beautiful small town in South Devon where there are plenty of places to eat and drink during the one-hour lunch break, when you are encouraged to take some time out before resuming for the afternoon session.

For more information contact Harmony via WhatsApp or by email at

Tantra Space